Hero Defined

There are many different definitions of a hero. For example, one that we may think of first is:

“a man distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, and strength”

Of course, a hero is not necessarily a man, as we well know, though female heroes are more correctly known as heroines. For the sake of our site, though, either a man or a woman (or even for that matter an animal (are you old enough to remember Lassie and Rin Tin Tin?)) will be considered for classification as the generic “hero”, and while we may use the masculine version, it is only for convenience and readibility, not out of any disrepect for the female hero (soldier, police officer, mother, etc.).

Another popular definition:

“the principal character in a play, movie, novel or poem”

“Hero” in this sense of the term is usually, but not always played by a “star”, although sometimes the lead character is anything but a hero, he or she can be a cad or scoundrel, or just an ordinary human being. This site is probably not where you will nominate actors or actresses as heroes, unless of course they are close to you, because, well, this site is dedicated to giving you a chance to publicize previously unrecognized individuals that qualify.

The comics are full of heroes and super-heroes, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and more. These characters may be what we think of when we think of heroes, especially when we’re young, but of course they aren’t real, they are an image that no one can truly measure up to. A real hero, though not as strong, is even more impressive, because they can truly influence the lives of others, through the use of love, determination, and dedication, rather than superhuman powers.

So, of all the choices, and there are many that I haven’t bothered to list here, the hero definition that I like best is:

“one who inspires others through manners and actions; an individual who unselfishly leads through personal example and accomplishments requiring bravery, skill, determination, or other admirable qualities”

Heroes in Daily Life

There are heroes in everyone’s life. A hero may be someone who risks their life to save others, such as soldiers, police and fire fighters. A hero doesn’t necessarily have to risk his or her life, most sacrifice in other ways that perhaps make just as much, or more, of a difference in someone’s life.

Some people think of star athletes as heroes, and to some degree there is merit for choosing that term rather than “idol”, since athletes can certainly motivate, inspire, and bring happiness. But again, this site is not here to recognize those that are already being recognized every day anyway.

Unfortunately, there are many millions of true heroes who are never recognized as such. Those people do their daily job, asking nothing in return, providing us with inspiration and guidance, sacrificing their own personal comfort for others, day in and day out. They lead while lesser humans take the easy road. They don’t receive million dollar contracts, they labor out of love and passion for what they do.

Do You Have a Hero?

Who’s your hero?

  • A father or mother, grandparent perhaps, who sacrificed everything so that your life would be easier than theirs?
  • An older brother or sister, aunt or uncle, who helped raise you and protect you?
  • A teacher who gave you the courage to keep on plugging while others told you you’d never amount to anything?
  • A mentor, perhaps, who took you under their wing when you were just starting out?
  • A coach who brought out the best in you at a critical time in your life?
  • The policeman or fireman who risks his life every day so your town is safe, and so that people who earn much higher incomes are able to do so without fear of violence?
  • Someone at work who took the blame for you, risking their credibility, even their career, to help you out?
  • A doctor or nurse who saved the life or prevented serious illness of yourself or someone close to you with the correct diagnosis at just the right time?
  • The soldier who risks life and limb every waking moment, in miserable living conditions, earning a menial wage, whether in a country far away or closer to home in a support role?
  • A pastor, priest, rabbi or other spiritual leader who helps you connect with a supreme being?
  • A spouse who’s your perfect soulmate, and sacrifices everything for you without ever being asked, without even knowing or caring if you notice the hardship he or she endures for you?

A hero can come in any type of attire, uniformed or otherwise, any size, shape, color, age, sex, or nationality. A hero can be employed, or not, in any line of work, in any town or country.

So, what’s the purpose of this rambling discussion, you rightly ask?

Why Does This Site Exist?

This site is for the heroes in YOUR life, regardless of what anyone else thinks. We want to give you the chance to properly immortalize someone who’s been there for you, set an example, led the way, or exhibited extraordinary bravery that influenced or even changed your life for the better.

Yes, we could be a site that sells “#1 Dad” ball caps, and “Super Mom” t-shirts, but we want to go beyond that. We want to give you a chance to honor your favorite hero, once and for all, in your own words. A cap can wear out or get lost, a t-shirt can shrink, rip, or fade, but your words will live forever on this site.

The Internet is not something that is going away soon, nor will the page that you dedicate to the hero or heroes in your life. For a small one-time contribution which includes hosting for your hero’s special page, you can put into writing anything you want to say. You can publicize the page, you can print it out and frame it any number of times at no cost.

Your special hero will finally know that he or she made a major contribution to your life, in a spot that they or anyone else will be able to access from any computer connected to the Internet, at moments when they wonder, as many heroes sometimes do, “Is doing what I’m doing worth it? Does anyone really care?” They’ll know you care, and finally, you’ll have a chance to be able to influence their life also. And most importantly, they’ll be able to think and say “I’m a hero, and you can look it up!“.